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Our goal is to provide the highest quality dental care possible to our patients, while at the same time exceeding their customer service expectations.
Root Canal
Endodontic treatment, more commonly known as root canal therapy, is necessary when the pulp of your tooth becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes such as deep decay, repeated dental procedures on your tooth, or a crack or chip in the tooth. With proper care, an Endodontically treated tooth will function normally for years to come.
Healthy Tooth Tooth with a healthy root
Tooth Infection When decay or damage goes untreated it can result in an infection to the pulp chamber of the tooth
Cleaning the root After creating a small opening, very small instruments are used to clean and shape the root canal spaces
Root canal filled The cleaned spaces are filled with a biocompatible material and specialized cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canals

Graydon H. Coon, DDS, PLLC
1250 E. Milham Avenue
Portage, MI 49002
Phone: 269-327-6100   Fax: 269-327-0460